I have always liked rocks. Unusual shapes, pretty colors, smooth stones...if I see an interesting rock, I am going to pick it up. I have a collection of special rocks in my jewelry box.
My mom found one last week in her yard that looks like a lima bean. I was hoping she would give it to me, but apparently she hasn't taken the hint yet! My co-worker has an interesting rock on her desk that a client gave her. It immediately caught my eye when I walked into the office. She told me the story behind the rock. A client with autism liked to rub it because it was so smooth and it felt good when he rubbed it. He gave it to her because he had such a special bond with her. Now that's a good rock story. If I pick up a rock that I like, I usually say "I love a good rock!"
I watched the movie "The Game Plan" on TV last night with my son. He asked me to watch TV with him. I was busy and needed to get some things done first....I was about to tell him to wait a minute....then I caught a glimpse of the star of the movie, Duane "The Rock" Johnson. I decided maybe I did have a little extra time! LOL! No wonder I have always liked rocks so much! (OK, I'm kidding. I love to spend time with my son, but getting to watch "The Rock" while spending time with him is an added bonus!)
Now, on to more serious matters...
I once had someone who was angry with me and trying to hurt my feelings tell me that I was as dumb as a box of rocks! (Actually, a few more words were included in there, but I cleaned it up a little!) Well, guess what I have discovered....they actually paid me a compliment. There was no need for my feelings to be hurt at all. Know why? Because I have discovered that in the Bible, rocks were pretty smart!
In Exodus 17, Moses and the Israelite people were camped at Rephidim and they had no water. God told Moses to strike a rock. When he did, water sprang forth for the people to drink. So, rocks can be used to perform miracles!
Numbers 20 says that when the Israelite people were in the desert, they again came to a place where was no water. God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out. (Apparently rocks can listen!). Moses hit the rock instead (See! Rocks listen better than people!) Water gushed out and and the people and their livestock had water to drink. Not just a few people and livestock...hundreds of thousands!
Some of the most well-known passages in the Bible refer to rocks or stones.
When the woman was caught in the act of adultery and was about to be stoned, Jesus said to her accusers, "Let He who is without sin cast the first stone". Her accusers slowly walked away. Jesus asked her where her accusers were. He forgave her and told her to go and sin no more.
A rock was also known in the Bible as a place for offering a sacrifice or giving an offering to God. In addition, stones or rocks were often set up as memorials to give praise or thanksgiving for something God had done. When God performed a miracle for Joshua and the Israelites and they crossed the Jordan River on dry ground Joshua had 12 men representing the twelve tribes of Israel, select 12 stones from the bottom of the river bed to set up a memorial to God.
What did David defeat Goliath with? A slingshot is the most frequent answer. But what actually killed the giant? A rock! When Jesus was buried and then resurrected, what did the women find had been rolled away from the tomb? A stone!
Rocks are often used in the Bible as a symbol for God. Psalm 31 says " You are my rock and my fortress!" In other psalms and in the Book of Samuel, it states, "Yahweh is my rock, and my fortress" . God is also referred to as "God, the rock of my salvation" or "my God, the rock of my refuge".
Jesus was referred to as "The Cornerstone". In Biblical times, the cornerstone was the most important part of the foundation of the building. It was the rock upon which the entire structure's stability was based. One of the parables in the Bible regards the wise man that built his house upon "the rock" and the foolish man that built his house upon the "sand" (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:47-49) (Remember singing that song in Sunday school when you were little?)The person whose house was built on sand did not withstand the storms and rains that came. The person whose house was built on "the rock" or "the firm foundation" was able to withstand the storms and tests of life.
Finally, Jesus also mentioned that rocks would cry out to praise Him. Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem. The disciples and followers of Jesus loudly praised him. Pharisees criticized Jesus's followers for crying out and asked Jesus to tell them to be quiet. Jesus answered that if the people did not praise him, that the rocks would cry out to sing his praise!
Do you see just how smart rocks really are! If we don't praise God, the rocks will! On this, the day before Thanksgiving, just be a rock! Praise God if no one else will. Thank Him for being your rock, your refuge, your shelter. Thank Him that the stone has been rolled away, that HE is risen! Thank Him that you have a firm foundation in Him, no matter what winds, waves or storms may come. Thank God that he is the rock that will help you defeat the giants in your own life.
Set up a memorial to thank God for what he has done. When you gather for Thanksgiving tomorrow, tell your children or grandchildren how He brought you through. Tell your stories of how you leaned on the rock of your salvation, how he was a shelter in the time of storm.
I guarantee you that someone needs to hear your story of how He brought you through.
Be like the Israelites that set up a memorial so that their children and grandchildren and following generations would remember and always know what God had done for them.
God Bless you!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving....and remember..
You're As Smart As a Box of Rocks!
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