Thursday, November 10, 2011

Giants, Grasshoppers, and Purple Suede Boots

We've all got 'em...that neighbor or that relative that when we describe them, we say, "Well, he's a little different"  (And then if we're Southern, we say "Bless his heart" after we say that). You've got those people in you're life that you say, "Well, she marches to the beat of a different drum".  If you're rich and you're different, it's more acceptable. People will call you eccentric. If you're broke and you're different, well, then you're just plain weird!

Personally, I like being different. When I go shopping, I'm looking for something different. Purple suede boots? Mmmm...Different...So I had to have 'em. I once had someone give me a gift  and say, "Well, I knew you would like it, because it's different and you always like something different."  Ahhh, they knew me well.

I was on vacation a few years ago and bought a giraffe- patterned purse. (Some people buy t-shirts or hats or magnets on vacation. I buy a purse on each vacation. Why, you ask? Because I'm different.) I loved my giraffe purse. Until a few weeks later...suddenly everybody had a giraffe patterned purse. Somehow, my purse was not as great any wasn't different  any more.

There was a man in the Bible named Caleb that was different. Twelve spies scouted out "the promised land" . Ten spies came back and said "NO way, there are giants in the land. They make us look like grasshoppers. We will all be killed." Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back and talked about the milk and honey in the promised land and how wonderful it was. The people were in an uproar about the giants. Caleb quieted all of the people and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it". Caleb and Joshua saw the same thing that all the other spies did, but they had a different report than everyone else. The Bible says that Caleb had a different spirit about him..and it pleased God. Caleb and Joshua saw the giants, too. But, they believed that God was able to deliver them in spite of the giants.

Did you know that God really likes different people? He says we are a royal priesthood, a peculiar people. If you're a Christian, people should notice that there's something different about you. You help people in ways that others wouldn't. You go above and beyond. You find ways to bless people that don't even like you. You pray for folks that hate you. (We'll talk about haters one day in a future blog!) You have a smile, a peace, a spirit, wisdom, a radiance that comes from the inside... there's just something about you that's different.

I learned how to be "different" for Jesus too. I keep a bottle of anointing oil in my purse Yep. And I ain't afraid to use it. You know how teenagers joke around and say "I will cut you!" Well, honey, don't mess with me, 'cuz,  "I will anoint you!"

Yeah, I'm different and that's too much for some folks to handle. I listen to 103.9  The Light on the radio and I really crank it up sometimes. You just might see me raising my hands while I'm going down the road..Well, maybe raising my hand, because the other one is on the wheel. You might see me crying while I'm driving  When I pull up at a gas station or somewhere and I open the car door and people hear my music and then see a white lady get out of the car..they're like "Okay... that's different".

You make thousands of choices as you go about your daily duties. Thousands of opportunities to be different . Opportunities to take a stand against gossip or racism or to walk out of the room when co-workers are telling inappropriate jokes. I'm sure you can think of many more example of ways that you can be different for Jesus.

The final point I want to make about being different is that you also have a choice about whose report you are going to believe.  Twelve spies all saw the same thing...but two had a very different report. What giants are in your life today? The doctor may say "cancer" or "terminal" or the loan officer may say "no" to your dream home. Friends and relatives may say "it can't be done" or "Just give up". You may be praying for that unsaved son or daughter and folks say "they'll never change". You have a choice whether or not you are going to listen to that report.

Scripture reports "there is nothing too hard for him", and "for with God, nothing will be impossible", and "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes",  and "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or think"....

Whose report are you going to believe? Keep praying. Don't give up. Believe a different report.

Just be different...

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