Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let the Who-bilation Begin!

Have you watched any classic Christmas movies yet? I saw a lot of folks posting on Facebook last night about watching the classic Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. I missed it. I can't handle it. When the other reindeer won't let him join in any reindeer games....too painful to watch!

I caught a little bit of Home Alone 2 tonight and I've already seen a little bit of Elf. (Don't you just love the part when Buddy the Elf is in the doctor's office and he starts eating the cotton balls? What about when the doctor pricks his finger and Buddy says his finger has a heartbeat? That's classic! My kids like it when Buddy tells the cheap department store Santa Claus that he sits on a throne of lies.)

For years, my youngest son loved The Grinch movie with Jim Carey. We watched it all year round. We memorized most of the lines in the movie. In the movie, the Who's in Who-ville love Christmas and the biggest Christmas party of the year is the Who-bilation on Christmas Day. The Who-bilation, is a big, "over-the top" celebration in which everyone wears their most outlandish Christmas finery.

One year,  my children and I were sitting in church during the Christmas Cantata and I kid you not, I looked up and one of the choir members had on a sweater that looked just like the one that the Grinch wore to the Who-bilation. I got a little tickled thinking about it and my son asked me what I was laughing about. I whispered,  "Miss Susie" has on a sweater that looks like the one that the Grinch wore to the Who-bilation.  What was his reply? He said "Who-bilation, Who-bilation, Who! Who!" (Which is a cheer from the movie). Well, I was really tickled at that point. Further down the pew, my daughter asks, "What are ya'll laughing at?" So my son whispers in her ear, "Miss Susie" has on a sweater just like the one that the Grinch wore to the Who-bilation.' And what would be my daughter's reply? "Who-bilation, Who-bilation- Who! Who!" The same exact cheer from the movie that her brother had just said. My son and I lost it. We were laughing so hard I thought we were going to have to go outside!

Though I enjoy Elf and I have memorized The Grinch, neither are my favorite Christmas movie. Would you like to venture a guess as to my favorite? Perhaps a classic like A Christmas Carol, the quintessential It's a Wonderful Life, or the heart-warming Miracle on 34th Street? Nah. None of those. My all-time absolute favorite Christmas movie is.... (drum roll please) ......National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It just isn't Christmas until I have seen Cousin Eddie roll up in the RV with his dog named Snot. I have so many favorite scenes...when the Christmas tree catches on fire because of the cat, when they cut into the turkey and the whole thing falls apart into nothing, when the Aunt says the Pledge of Allegiance instead of the blessing, when the old guy lights the cigar after the sewer gas has been leaking....good times, good times.

Now, I know that's some pretty low-brow comedy and certainly has NOTHING to do with the real meaning of Christmas. I know that...but the reason that I love the movie is because the harder that Clark and the other members of the Griswald family try to have the perfect Christmas, the worse things get. Nothing turns out as planned. I think I just relate to that movie more than any other Christmas movie. Have you ever tried to have one of those perfect family Christmas moments that turned into a big flop with the kids arguing and fussing and nothing turned out as planned?  I think everyone has. I love those Christmas card pictures where Santa is smiling on cue and the little kid he is holding in his lap is screaming bloody see nothing but tears and tonsils. And you know the kid's poor mother spent hours picking out his little Christmas picture outfit so that everything would be just perfect.

Well, sometimes our plans for everything to be just perfect don't exactly work out. Maybe you are not looking forward to Christmas this year because of some situations in your life that are not exactly perfect right now. Perhaps even your whole life has not turned out as you had planned.  You may be wondering, "How did I end up here?" "How did this happen?" or "How did I end up with "Him" or "Her"?

God still has a purpose and plan for your life. Have you ever prayed to God to ask Him what your purpose is for being here? Have you ever sought God as to HIS plans for your life. The Bible has some things to say regarding our plans versus God's plans.

Proverbs 16:9   In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 16: 1 To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.

As you wrap up 2011 and start thinking about beginning a new year and maybe even making New Years Resolutions...start seeking God regarding His plans and His purpose for your life. Maybe even pick up a copy of "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.
Commit your ways and your whole life to Him and you will be blessed!

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Psalm 37:5 Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

Seek Him, Trust Him, Praise Him...and let the Who-bilation Begin! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Black Friday Adventures

Did you do any Black Friday Shopping?  I did... and it certainly was an adventure!

I headed out on Thanksgiving night to get a new TV on sale.The TV in my living room had been dying a slow, painful death for many months. Green was the only color that was produced on the screen. We haven't been able to watch The Grinch, The Hulk, or The Green Lantern for months because the main character was camoflauged amidst all the green! (OK, I'm exaggerating, but we really have had a green screen since the summer!)

While in the store to purchase the TV, I saw people pushing, arguing, and fighting to get one of only a few sale items that were the "hot item". To be honest, it made me nervous and uneasy, even though I was several feet away and not involved. I heard that someone bloodied their nose, but I did not see it personally.   I left that store to go to a department store where my church was giving away free hot chocolate as an outreach. Most of the people were very friendly and appreciative. However, one shopper became upset over the way that admission into the store was being handled and begin arguing at us. (Why was she fussing at us? We were the "love-Jesus-so-much, we're out-here-at 2 am-giving-you-hot-chocolate" people and not the store security people! Maybe she was tired and hadn't gotten enough sleep. We'll give her the benefit of the doubt.) 

My Black Friday experiences left me shaking my head. I went home at 4 am and went to bed, glad to be out of the ruckus. However, later on Friday evening, I ventured back out. The mall was still very crowded. I went into a ladies restroom and had to wait in line. While in line, I heard a lady who was inside the bathroom stall singing "Oh, when the saints go marching in, when the saints go marching in. Lord, I want to be in that number. When the saints go marching in". Now she was not humming, she was not quietly singing this to herself...she was "sanging"! This lady was happy and having herself a good time. She had a song in her heart and she was enjoying herself. The crowds hadn't caused her to lose her joy. Whatever she had seen that day, whether it was rude shoppers or unfriendly store clerks or high prices...still hadn't caused her to lose her song of praise. She may have had sickness, family problems money problems, who knows? Regardless, she was singing her happy song.

This lady had so much joy in her heart, she didn't care if she was in a crowded JC Penney bathroom. She was just getting her song out.  The Bible says that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.  That means that what's in the person's heart comes out in a person's speech.

I mentioned in a previous post that you cannot force or squeeze blood to come out of a turnip. No matter how hard you try, you can't get blood out of a turnip, because blood is not inside it.  When a person is "squeezed" or "forced" by the problems and trials of life, you cannot force something to come out of them that is not in there. If "ugly" is in the heart, then "ugly" is what is going to come out of the mouth!

When people are in a difficult or stressful situation, when they are being pressed by life, you begin to see what is really inside them. They may have a sweet smile or seem so friendly and nice, but when the pressure is applied, the truth comes out. I have seen this happen many times in my own life with people I've encountered over the years. Maybe you have that situation in your own life. Someone may have fooled others, but you are not fooled by them. You wonder why others can't see how that person really is. How should you handle the situation? Well, you may be more discerning than others. You may have a discerning spirit or a gift of discernment, allowing you to recognize things about this person before others do. Maybe you are the only person that they have revealed their "ugly side" to as of yet. Just pray about the situation and then just watch and wait and remain silent. A relative of mine used to say "just hide and watch".  Eventually, the person's true colors will be revealed. It's not your job to tell everybody how they really are. (That will only make you look bad). Just pray and wait. (I know, I know, waiting is not fun!) Hopefully, you can pray for the person and the issue can be resolved before anyone else has to find out and the person will actually change. Maybe they are going through a difficult time in their own life. If not, just keep praying and waiting. God is a God of justice. You will be vindicated when the truth is revealed. Your job is to pray and keep praising God and not to make any enemies during this process! Just wait and let God take care of it for you.

So, if a person's speech reveals what is in their heart, what does this mean for us as Christians? 

First, make sure that you know what is in your own heart. David prayed for God to search his own heart to see if there was any sin in his own life. Ask God to show you areas where you need to improve (unconfessed sin, bad habits, impatience, quick temper, etc.) and then ask Him to help you in those areas.

Second, you may need to ask God to help you clean up your own speech. The Bible says that we will have to give an account one day for every idle word we have spoken (I don't know about you, but that makes me a little nervous!) Your tongue is a dangerous weapon and holds the power of life and death! Start thinking about what you are saying. Are you saying what you want to see happen or are you proclaiming gloom and doom on a daily basis?

Third, how are you doing with your praise? Would you be more likely to be the angry shopper on Black Friday or would you be more likely to be the singing lady in the bathroom? How is your joy? How is your song in your heart? Start working on praising God in the midst of your trials and the frustrating, aggravating, annoying things that come with just being alive!  Are you thinking about the lovely and positive things going on in your life or focusing on the negative? Check out Philippians 4:8!

Have a great day. When you're at work this week and someone is annoying you, when someone cuts you off in traffic, steals your parking space or says something unkind to you...just think about the lady in the JC Penney bathroom... "Oh when the saints go marching in,  when the saints go marching in, Lord I want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in!"

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Beauty From Ashes

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I have reposted something today that is not original to me. I've seen it in emails and facebook posts for years. I am not sure of the original source, so I cannot give credit to the author. I have also posted an original poem that I wrote to thank God for what he has done for me. Please enjoy:


The mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
The taxes I pay because it means that I’m employed.
The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
The space I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
My huge heating bill because it means I am warm.
The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
The piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.
Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.
The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I’m alive.
Getting too much email bogs me down but at least I know I have friends who are thinking of me.
Author Unknown 

Be joyful always; pray continually;give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  Psalm 106

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing  to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Psalm 105

 Today I am thankful for what God has done for me. I have many children, family, friends, job, home, health, church, and much more.

One of the things that I am especially thankful for this Thanksgiving is what God has done for me spiritually and emotionally. He has given me a new outlook and new opportunities. I am so thankful for his deliverance and healing. Isaiah 61:1-3 has always been a favorite scripture passage of mine that has special meaning. I thank God that he has truly given me "beauty for ashes" as promised in the scripture. I wrote a poem a couple of months ago as a testimony. It is  based upon Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 54. Take some time during your personal devotions this week to read Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 54.

“Beauty From Ashes”  by J.L. Pearce

Based upon Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 54

Butterfly, Butterfly, leave your cocoon,

Rosebud, Rosebud, its your time to bloom,

The time has come, your season is here

God has not given you a Spirit of fear.

Awaken, Arise, for your light has come,

Come out of your darkness, and face the Son

Embrace His warmth, absorb His rays,

Exchange your despair for the spirit of praise.

Listen to His voice, so soft, so tender,

Your Protector, Provider, Healer, Defender.

I’ve been delivered, gloriously set free.

Its my time to tell what He did for me.

He healed my broken heart, released me from my prison.

From the ashes of my life, new beauty has risen.

I can look in the mirror, I don’t have to hide.

He has dressed me in jewels, just like a bride.

He gave me a robe of righteousness for the rags I had worn

He dried my tears, gave comfort when I mourned.

I called to Him, with my hurt, my grief, in the midst of my trouble.

For my rejection and pain, He has promised me double.

I have a new husband and the Lord God is His name!

No more will I remember my rejection and shame.

With His great mercies, He has gathered me in.

Now my oil of joy can flow again

I have enlarged my tent and lengthened my cords,

My soul will rejoice and be glad in the Lord.

The curses once spoken over me, I no longer believe,

The promises of God, I now receive.

Favor, protection, a covenant of peace,

My heavenly father has now released.

Blessings are my heritage. It will all come to be.

Trust him with your ashes. He will give you...Beauty.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Smart As A Box of Rocks!

I have always liked rocks. Unusual shapes, pretty colors, smooth stones...if I see an interesting rock, I am going to pick it up. I have a collection of special rocks in my jewelry box.

My mom found one last week in her yard that looks like a lima bean. I was hoping she would give it to me, but apparently she hasn't taken the hint yet! My co-worker has an interesting rock on her desk that a client gave her. It immediately caught my eye when I walked into the office. She told me the story behind the rock. A client with autism liked to rub it because it was so smooth and it felt good when he rubbed it. He gave it to her because he had such a special bond with her. Now that's a good rock story. If I pick up a rock that I like, I usually say "I love a good rock!"

I watched the movie "The Game Plan" on TV last night with my son. He asked me to watch TV with him. I was busy and needed to get some things done first....I was about to tell him to wait a minute....then I caught a glimpse of the star of the movie, Duane "The Rock" Johnson. I decided maybe I did have a little extra time! LOL! No wonder I have always liked rocks so much! (OK, I'm kidding. I love to spend time with my son, but getting to watch "The Rock" while spending time with him is an added bonus!)  

Now, on to more serious matters...

I once had someone who was angry with me and trying to hurt my feelings tell me that I was as dumb as a box of rocks! (Actually, a few more words were included in there, but I cleaned it up a little!) Well, guess what I have discovered....they actually paid  me a compliment. There was no need for my feelings to be hurt at all. Know why? Because I have discovered that in the Bible, rocks were pretty smart!

In Exodus 17, Moses and the Israelite people were camped at Rephidim and they had no water. God told Moses to strike a rock. When he did, water sprang forth for the people to drink. So, rocks can be used to perform miracles!

Numbers 20 says that when the Israelite people were in the desert, they again came to a place where was no water. God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out. (Apparently rocks can listen!). Moses hit the rock instead (See! Rocks listen better than people!) Water gushed out and and the people and their livestock had water to drink. Not just a few people and livestock...hundreds of thousands!

Some of the most well-known passages in the Bible refer to rocks or stones.
When the woman was caught in the act of adultery and was about to be stoned, Jesus said to her accusers, "Let He who is without sin cast the first stone". Her accusers slowly walked away. Jesus asked her where her accusers were. He forgave her and told her to go and sin no more.

A rock was also known in the Bible as a place for offering a sacrifice or giving an offering to God. In addition, stones or rocks were often set up as memorials to give praise or thanksgiving for something God had done. When God performed a miracle for Joshua and the Israelites and they crossed the Jordan River on dry ground   Joshua had 12 men representing the twelve tribes of Israel, select 12 stones from the bottom of the river bed to set up a memorial to God.

What did David defeat Goliath with? A slingshot is the most frequent answer. But what actually killed the giant? A rock!   When Jesus was buried and then resurrected, what did the women find had been rolled away from the tomb? A stone!

Rocks are often used in the Bible as a symbol for God. Psalm 31 says " You are my rock and my fortress!"  In other psalms and in the Book of Samuel, it states, "Yahweh is my rock, and my fortress" . God is also referred to as  "God, the rock of my salvation" or  "my God, the rock of my refuge".

Jesus was referred to as "The Cornerstone". In Biblical times, the cornerstone was the most important part of the foundation of the building. It was the rock upon which the entire structure's stability was based. One of the parables in the Bible regards the wise man that built his house upon "the rock" and the foolish man that built his house upon the "sand" (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:47-49) (Remember singing that song in Sunday school when you were little?)The person whose house was built on sand did not withstand the storms and rains that came. The person whose house was built on "the rock" or "the firm foundation" was able to withstand the storms and tests of life.

Finally, Jesus also mentioned that rocks would cry out to praise Him. Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem.  The disciples and followers of Jesus loudly praised him. Pharisees criticized Jesus's followers for crying out and asked Jesus to tell them to be quiet. Jesus answered that if the people did not praise him, that the rocks would cry out to sing his praise!

Do you see just how smart rocks really are! If we don't praise God, the rocks will! On this, the day before Thanksgiving, just be a rock! Praise God if no one else will. Thank Him for being your rock, your refuge, your shelter. Thank Him that the stone has been rolled away, that HE is risen! Thank Him that you have a firm foundation in Him, no matter what winds, waves or storms may come. Thank God that he is the rock that will help you defeat the giants in your own life.

Set up a memorial to thank God for what he has done. When you gather for Thanksgiving tomorrow, tell your children or grandchildren how He brought you through. Tell your stories of how you leaned on the rock of your salvation, how he was a shelter in the time of storm.
I guarantee you that someone needs to hear your story of how He brought you through.
Be like the Israelites that set up a memorial so that their children and grandchildren and following generations would remember and always know what God had done for them.
God Bless you!
Have  a Happy Thanksgiving....and remember..
 You're As Smart As a Box of Rocks!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In Search of The Perfect Gift

The biggest shopping day of the year is coming up on Friday. Are you ready? Have you made your list...are you checking it twice? Many shoppers will be out early Friday morning or even late Thursday night hoping to find bargains and "the perfect gift" for everyone on their list.

Have you ever gotten a gift that left you disappointed or wasn't what you really wanted? 
When I was little, I wanted a Barbie Dream House. It was a three story mansion with a pink elevator on the side that carried Barbie in style from one story to the next. Barbie's pink Corvette was parked in the garage. It was the Barbie house of my dreams..and I knew Santa was going to come through for me! I went to sleep on Christmas Eve dreaming of my Barbie Dream house. I ran in the living room on Christmas morning, knowing that my pink, three-story Barbie Dream House was waiting for me! Well, I got a Barbie house alright..but something was a little "off" with this Barbie House.  First, I noticed it had two stories, not three. No elevator. No pink Corvette in the garage. Then I started noticing some "interesting" things about this Barbie house. It had shag carpet. The color scheme was not pink and purple like the Barbie Dream was orange, and brown, and green. Something was "suspicious" about this Barbie House. Why did Barbie and her friends look so "groovy?"   Because "Santa" had recycled my sister's Barbie Doll sister who was 12 years older. I received the psychedelic Barbie house of 1970, not the Barbie Dream House of 1982! I wanted a three-story pink mansion and I got a sensible split level Brady Bunch house. I was disappointed.  What can I say? It was the eighties...even Barbie was "living large"!

Another famous incident in my family involved a gift I received at church when I was little. You know how it goes. You draw names for the gift exchange.. Inevitably, you bring some kid a race car or a baby doll and you get a pack of crayons in return. Well, I did get a baby doll that year....a ONE-EYED baby doll.  I'm serious. The doll had one eye. I was so mad.My sister and older cousins added insult to injury the rest of the evening by saying, "Hey! Leigh-Ann, look at me!" and they would have one eye open and one eye closed. Then they started walking around winking at me. I was livid. Now, I had baby dolls at home and plenty of other toys, probably too many. That wasn't the point. I was upset because it was obvious the person had not put any time or consideration into my gift, because if they had, they would have noticed that the doll only had ONE EYE!  It makes me laugh now, but for years in my childhood, my sister could give me the ole "one-eye" look and get me riled up again!

Then, there are those times that you get "the perfect" gift or the gift that makes you cry because it lets you know how much that person thought of you. The best gift I ever received was my mother's ring. I wear it every day. Its rare that you will see me without it on my hand. Its special. It represents the three most important people in my life! It was given to me on the day my son was born. I was told, "Matthew has something to give you". I was then handed my baby and the ring was on two of his fingers. It has my three children's names engraved and each of their birthstones. That took a lot of forethought and planning to have it there at the hospital with us. That made it really special.

This year, I got some special gifts on my birthday. They weren't expensive, but they meant so much to me that they made me cry. I had been dreading my birthday...a lot. I came home one evening a couple of days before my birthday and my favorite flower in my favorite color was sitting on my porch. I had already seen one like it at the florist and thought to myself "Wow. That's beautiful. I wish someone would give me one like it!" Isn't God good? He knows when we need a little encouragement! There is nothing that I would have liked any more.

The day of my birthday was a Monday this year. My children do not stay with me on Monday nights, so it wasn't exactly a "festive birthday". I got home late that night and found gifts and cards on my steps and had messages on my answering machine from my nieces and nephews and other special people. It meant so much to me that they thought of me and left me those messages that it made me cry. It was the thought behind it that meant so much.

The Bible tells us that we have all received the perfect Gift. God gave us His son.  "For God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God thought so much of us, loved us so much, that he gave us His only Son. I like to give people gifts that they will like or enjoy...but I won't give you my children. You can't have them. I don't love you that much...sorry.

Jesus paid a tremendous price to give you the gift of eternal life. Its already been paid for, all you have to do is accept the gift. If you have already received the gift of salvation, what are you giving back in return? God has given each of us gifts and talents, skills and abilities. Are you thanking Him for your gifts by using them for Him or to bless others?

James 1:17 says that every good and perfect gift comes from God! As you prepare for the Christmas season and as you are giving thanks during Thanksgiving this week, be thankful for the best gift you have ever received..the gift of God's Son. Find a way to give thanks and to give back for the gifts you have received.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Shadrach, Meshach, and a Bendy Goat

 It's that time of year again!

One of my favorite Christmas traditions that I enjoy each year is directing the children's Christmas program. I love the challenge. You never know what's going to happen. Among my favorites are the year that the "rooster" in the manger scene turned around and shook his tail at the audience and smacked himself on the rear end.... and the year that one of my shepherds used his shepherd's staff as a gun to "shoot" at the audience.

No matter what happens at practice or how crazy it gets on the day of the play, there's nothing more precious than to see kids acting out the story of the nativity (even if one of the shepherds takes out the  whole front row!)  When they are dressed as shepherds or angels or wise men, its not just so Grandma can be proud and take a whole roll of film or fill up a whole memory card taking pictures of her precious grandbabies. We' re also teaching the kids the Bible and the stories of the Bible...and I promise you they won't forget it. They may go through some rebellious years and try your patience, but the Bible promises in Proverbs: "Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it".

It's important that we teach our children and the children of others if we do not have our own, about  the Heroes of the faith..Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Samson, David... (Read Hebrews Chapter 11). I still remember my Mom reading Bible stories to me before bed each night.  Esther and Gideon were two of my favorite stories. (I'm a little partial to the story of Ruth and Boaz these know what I'm saying!) 

 Children may be immature or have short attention spans and may not comprehend everything that is taught to them, but just keep sowing that seed and planting the Word of God in their hearts.  My youngest son and I had a conversation when he was about 8 years old and he said something about the Bible story of Shadrach, Meschach, and A Bendy Goat. Yep...he really said,  "A Bendy Goat." (Immediately I got a picture in my mind of two Hebrew children in the fiery furnace along side a really flexible goat doing back bends or toe touches or something.)

Even if they don't get all the details correct, the Bible that we teach them today will stay in their hearts for many years to come. I still remember the scriptural benediction that we spoke at the end of service every Wednesday night at my home church when I was growing up. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Amen."  As much as I hate to admit it...that's been almost thirty years ago! That word was hidden in my heart many years ago and its still there and embedded in my memory. The Bible says that God's word does not return to him empty, but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it. 

During his earthly ministry, Jesus placed an emphasis on the importance of children.  When his disciples basically tried to "shoo away" children that were surrounding him, Jesus told the adults that they should receive the kingdom of God with the same child-like faith .

Mark 10:14-16 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

Jesus also warned us about  how we should treat a child or even a new "baby"Christian who is a child in the faith.

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 
Matthew  18:10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. 
Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

Just like children, sometimes new Christians get things a little confused and make mistakes. In the same way that I did not scold my son for believing that "A Bendy Goat" was one of the Hebrew children, we have to extend that same grace, understanding and mercy to new Christians. Christian maturity is a process that we are all striving for! As mature Christians, we sometimes expect someone to get saved today and start acting like Billy Graham tomorrow. To be honest, as a "mature" Christian I have really blown it sometimes myself and had to ask for forgiveness, grace and mercy...and I knew better! Be patient with your children and with new Christians. You never know when you might need a do-over yourself!

Start investing some time to train up a child or to help a new Christian in their faith journey! I promise, you will be blessed! 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

It Isn't Always As Bad As It Seems

Things Aren't  Always As Bad as They Seem!

At  the age off 22, I became a foster parent. (What in THE WORLD were they thinking to actually give me a license to be a foster parent at 22???)  Anyway, on my first Saturday as a foster parent, I was going to be alone with a sick 10 month old and a very rambunctious 20 month old all day long. I pondered how I was going to take a shower. I decided to put the 10 month old in her baby seat and put her in the bathroom with me and put the 20 month old in front of the TV watching Barney...while I took the world's fastest shower. While I was in the middle of taking the world's fastest shower, the 20 month old brought me a bottle of ketchup. A bottle of ketchup!!! He had been in the refrigerator! I could only imagine what I was going to find in my living room and kitchen.  I imagined a mess that was going to take hours to clean. Was my carpet ruined? What about my couch? And so...the world's fastest shower just got faster. However, upon exiting the shower and checking on the state of the living room and kitchen, I could find nothing amiss other than the refrigerator door being left open. 

What I envisioned as a horrible mess, was actually no big deal. (I discovered on the next day, that while in the refrigerator, he had opened a 5 lb bag of hot dogs and had bitten the end off each hot dog. Thus...the need for ketchup!)

I told that story because it's funny and people can relate to being alone in the house with a rambunctious toddler. The point of today's blog is that things may seem bad, you may picture a really bad mess...but things aren't always as bad as it seems.

I don't know what's going on in your life right now, but I promise you, its not as bad as it seems. Sometimes, when we are hurting or struggling or in the middle of some difficulty, its hard to see past the pain of the situation. Trust God. The Bible ways He will never leave us or forsake us..he's a friend that sticks closer to us than a brother. Jesus is "touched with the feelings of our infirmities"...meaning that He feels our hurts and pain that we are going through. Thank God for Christian friends and family that pray for us and lift us up. (I don't know where I would be without them!) But they are only human and imperfect. We have a perfect heavenly Father who is there for us and working in our lives 24 hours a day!

Trust your perfect heavenly Father even when you can't see or feel how he is working. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You may not be able to see how God is working in your situation right now, but I promise you He is working! Seek God first, and commit your situation to him. The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him, must believe that God exists and that God rewards those who earnestly seek him. In Matthew, the Bible also says to seek first the kingdom of God and God's righteousness and all these things will be given to us.

Have you ever embarrassed yourself because you said something to a person or made a comment, when you didn't really know the whole situation? Later, when you found out the whole story, you wished you had just remained silent and not said anything. I think we've all done that. Not only do we not know the whole story behind other people's lives, we also don't always know the "whole story" behind what God is doing in our own lives. Ask God to help you understand your current situation and to give you the faith to not complain and just trust Him about the things you don't understand. You may not know what God is doing "on the other side of the mountain".  Just because you can't see...doesn't mean he's not working.

Stop picturing the "horrible mess" like I did concerning the ketchup bottle.. Just trust God. The Bible says His ways are higher than your ways and his thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

Trust Him to handle your situation!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Have you ever been tricked...fooled...or believed a lie? 

A few years ago, a co-worker gave me some of the greatest advice I have ever been given. Unfortunately, it took me several months before I took her advice! I had a problem in my life that involved another person. My co-worker advised me to call the person. I refused. My pride wouldn't let me. I was too angry and too hurt. My co-worker said "Look, you need to call them and get to the bottom of the issue. Find out the truth. I guarantee you that the other person is a nice person just like you are. Both of you are being lied to about one another. This person is not your enemy. The real problem here is the person that is lying to both of you". I still refused to call the person. I felt the other person was the one wrong, so I did not feel that I should have to call them.

Several months went by. The problem got worse. I felt worse. Finally, I couldn't take it any more and I called the person. Guess what? My co-worker was exactly right! The other individual was a decent person who was in a bad situation and was being lied to. The other person never intended to hurt me at all. They wouldn't have ever acted the way that they did, had they known the truth. They apologized for any hurt they had caused me. When the truth was revealed, the issue between me and that person was resolved.

When you are being lied to, or deceived, you will say or do things that you would not normally do or say. You are acting based upon false information. I've been lied to and I've been lied about. I'm sure you have experienced the same thing. Even though its extremely hurtful to be lied to or lied about by others, the most deadly lies do not come from other people.

The Bible calls Satan "The Deceiver" or "The Father of Lies".  
He will lie to you about yourself. "You are stupid," "You can't do anything right," "You will fail," You will never finish school" "You will always be alone," "No one will love you," "You won't be healed," "You'll never lose weight," "You're ugly"  "You've ruined your chance. You can never fix this". "Its too late" and on and on.
He will lie to you about others "She thinks she's better than you" "They don't really love you," "He thinks he's so...." "She's talking about you" "He's out to get you". "They'll never change".

He also wants to lie to you about himself and about God.  Satan would love for you to think that he does not exist and there is no hell. He twists the truth about God. He makes people think  "a loving  God would not send anyone to hell." (God is loving, that is true...but he also created us with a free will to choose life or death, heaven or hell).
He allows people to deceive themselves about sin.
"That's not really a sin, you can't go to hell for that..." "My situation is different, its not a sin, because we are meant to be together".  "I was born that way, its just how I am"
He causes people to be deceived about salvation 
He causes people to think that believing in God or believing in the power of prayer automatically makes them a Christian. He wants people to think that if they are a "good person" they are going to heaven. (In order to be saved, we have to believe in God and his son Jesus, ask forgiveness of our sins and accept Christ into our hearts . Its not our "goodness" that gets us to Heaven..Its what Jesus did for us when he paid the price for our sins on the cross!)

The Bible says that when a person is an unbeliever, or not a Christian, its because Satan has blinded the person to the truth. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God".  If you are praying for an unbeliever, pray that their eyes are opened to the truth!

Ask God to reveal the truth to you about Himself. To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"

If you have an issue in your life that needs to be resolved with another person, pray that God will reveal the truth to you...even if its means you're the one who's wrong...even if the truth hurts! Believe that the truth will set you free!

Is there someone in your life that you need to go tell the truth to or share the truth of the gospel with?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Are You in Need of a Make-over?

Have you ever seen those ads for diet pills and miracle products that "burn fat while you sleep" and such? I always look at the "before" and "after" pictures. They crack me up. Sometimes, it doesn't even look like they took a picture of the same person! I think those ads are highly suspicious. However, if you have ever watched television shows like "The Biggest Loser" (Come on, admit you watch it, while you sit on the couch and eat chips. I know you do! LOL!).  Anyway, when you see shows like the Biggest Loser or Extreme Makeover, the "before" and "after" pictures are really dramatic. Sometimes it really doesn't look like the same person. However, you know it is the same person, because you saw the whole transformation take place on the show. The changes are so drastic that you would have never guessed it was the same person in both photos if you had not watched the entire program.

Romans 12:2 is my favorite Bible verse. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will." 

I am on a journey towards change. I have a desire to be transformed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In order to do that, I have had to change my old ways of thinking  and old habits...I have had to renew my mind. I don't want to look the same or be the same.  I ran into someone recently who said "If you keep losing weight, I'm not going to recognize you any more!" I said, "Good, that's the whole idea!"  I want people to forget what the old me was like. I want to focus on the new me.

If you've ever lost weight or made an improvement to your physical appearance, I'm sure you have had people give you genuine compliments as well as back-handed compliments like, "Wow. You sure look better than you used to, I bet it cost a lot of money to get those teeth of yours fixed" or "You really have lost a lot of weight. You used to be huge!" Those are back-handed compliments because people can't celebrate the change you have made without commenting on how bad you used to be.

I'm sure you have old friends from high school or from your past that have really changed. I don't mean they're fat and bald (though I'm sure you have some of those, too!) I mean that they have turned their life around. They used to be a "party-er" or heavy drinker or drug user. Now they are a preacher or a Sunday School teacher. They are talking about Jesus and the Bible and you're thinking "Well I used to know them back when..".or "they didn't talk about Jesus when they were..."

Just like the back-handed compliments regarding physical changes, we can often be guilty of having the wrong attitude towards someone's spiritual change. However, if you think about it...its the change that catches your attention. If you ran into "Miss Goody Two Shoes" from high school and she was talking about Jesus, would that really surprise you or make you sit up and take notice? Perhaps not. But when you hear that the bully that used to beat you up or the guy that used to stay drunk every weekend is now preaching the gospel...that gets your attention. Please don't misunderstand me. "Miss Goody Two Shoes" needs Jesus as much as anybody. Our "goodness" does not save us or get us to heaven. I'm saying that when the change is that drastic, its an attention getter. It lets you know that the change is for real. Its not about their goodness..its about what God has done for them  and how He changed their life.

God uses people and their circumstances...their past, their faults, their weaknesses, all of it. He doesn't choose to use a person and then find out three weeks later, "Wow! I didn't know she was like that. If I known she was that crazy, I would have chosen someone else to write that blog!" God uses us in spite of our weaknesses. Don't think that your past or your mistakes or previous sins will ever keep you from being able to do something for God! If you have asked for forgiveness, God has forgotten every sin you ever committed!

Isaiah 43:25 says "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins."

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:old things are passed away; behold all things are become new"  2 Corinthians 5:17.

    Sometimes, the most effective witness for God is someone who used to be really, really, bad!  When you see someone who has really changed for God, don't talk about how bad they used to be...just say, "Wow, look what God had done!"  Seeing the change in others should encourage us that the change we want to see in ourselves or in our loved ones can happen. God is no respecter of persons. What He did for one person, he can do for you or your son or daughter or spouse or parents or whoever in your life you are praying for.

I was talking to one of my children about one of our relatives that we are praying for to be saved. I said, "You have to believe that God is going to do it. Can you picture what they would be like if they were saved, can you see them saved in your mind? My child was like "No, Mama, I really can't see it...I just can't see it." So, we had to have a conversation about faith and change. I had examples that I could tell them of people that used to be a certain way before they were saved and how they have changed since Jesus changed them. Those examples were a testimony of what God had done and what He still will do.

Embrace your testimony! Everybody already knows you're not perfect. Don't let shame or regret keep you from doing something God has called you to do. We think that people will only remember what we used to be or how we used to act and that somehow God can't use us because of it. Maybe God wants to use you because of how you used to be or because of how you used to act!  If you have been forgiven, it's over! If you are still dealing with an issue in your life, confess it and ask others to pray for you.  James 5:16 says, "Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another, that ye may be healed".
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9

"Come now and let us reason together, says the LORD, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18)

"For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:11-12)

Micah 7:19 says, "He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.  You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The New Man in My Life!

The New Man in My Life

I can’t wait to tell you about the new man in my life. He is very, very sweet. My kids like him, too. We talk about him all the time and can’t wait to see him again. He’s coming to spend Thanksgiving weekend with me and meet my whole extended family. What does he look like, you ask? He’s extremely cute. He has dark hair, a dark complexion and the most beautiful brown eyes. He’s of Hispanic heritage. He talks to me often on the phone in a language I don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter, because just the sound of his voice gives me a thrill. I love him and he loves me. I’m just crazy about him. I can really make him laugh. He gets so excited when he sees me, he practically drools. Did I mention he’s cute? Yeah, I did. He’s barrel-chested and has thick arms and meaty thighs and when he grins at me, I just melt. When he smiles at me, with his two teeth showing...yeah, he only has two teeth, (that’s how I like ‘em.) He’s my man, my boo.  He’s the best–looking eight month old baby I’ve ever seen! He's my God-son.

I got you didn’t I? Did you really think I was talking about an adult man? Well, everything I said is true. He is very special and I do love him and he is so cute. A few months ago, I was having a bad day. Not a “bad hair” day, not a “flat-tire” day, not a “down in the dumps day”.  I’m talking one of the “top ten worst days of my life” bad day. Sitting at my computer in the midst of my “worst day ever,” I opened an email from a relative who sent pictures of her children. As I looked at the pictures of her young son, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be nice to hold a baby? That would feel good. I would like to hold a baby.” It was a fleeting thought, just a momentary desire of my heart. I went back to the computer. Immediately, I received a text from my pastor’s wife. One of our church members had to be admitted to the hospital and they did not know what to do about finding someone to take care of her baby for a few days. They had called me for advice because of my history of working with foster care. She said, “I don’t know what we’re going to do”. I said, “I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to let me keep the baby until she gets better”…and so I did.

Since then, I have kept him for her to have surgery and to have medical appointments and for her to move.  Now, I’m his God-mother. I do special things for him and his mother. Friends at church think I’m a “nice lady” for doing that. Others, (not church people), have criticized me for keeping him, saying that it’s a “risk”, too much “responsibility”. Neither side really understands that on that day, I needed that baby as much as he needed me! That baby is very special to me. He represents new life, new beginnings, and just how quickly God can answer a prayer and give you the desire of your heart!

I couldn’t resist fooling you with my “new man in my life” joke. I think God has a sense of humor, don’t you? My Dad teased me as a teenager when I was applying to colleges. He told me he was going to send me to Bible college so I would marry a preacher. I didn’t think that was funny. Seemed like a fate worse than death. My teenage mind wondered, “What could be worse than marrying a preacher?” Well, I didn’t go to Bible college, and I didn’t marry a preacher, so God made me the preacher! I’m not a Pastor, but I do like to teach and speak at church. God does have a sense of humor or at least he has a sense of irony!

Honestly, I do think that one day I will marry a preacher or at least someone very involved in ministry, because that is my heart’s desire. However, my children don't like for me to discuss my love life…that’s a sensitive subject for them. So, I’m just going to throw my friend “under the bus” and talk about her love life! (That's what friends are for!)

 A few months ago, my friend and I sat on the beach and talked about what we were looking for in a man. We started out with the obvious non-negotiables that had to be in place…(He had to be a Christian, non-drinker, non-smoker, with a job, had to be faithful, etc.) Then we went on to more specific things like interests and personality and physical description.  Well, as the conversation went on, we really started enjoying ourselves, laughing and coming up with some really outrageous, extremely specific things. Oh! the fun we had that day!  My friend really came up with some real “doozies”. I laughed, thinking to myself, “She’s being unrealistic now, no man is ever going to do that or be like that.”

Guess what? She has met someone who meets all the criteria…even the doozies! Are they going to get married and ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after? That remains to be seen…that’s in God’s hands. The point is…God did bring someone into her life that was exactly in line with the desires of her heart. She’s having a great time and has met a wonderful new friend and companion.

Trust God with all the desires of your heart, (not just your romantic desires!) He made you and he knows what you like and what you need. Just ask. Be specific.  After my friend’s experience of meeting someone with everything she had prayed for, I went back home and upgraded my list. (Really, I did. I’m not kidding).

 The Bible says that we have not because we ask not. Now, I’m not suggesting God is a heavenly Santa Claus. Life will never be perfect, because we live in an imperfect, fallen world and there are some things we will never understand until we get to Heaven.  Sometimes the answer is “no” or “wait”. I’m just saying…TRUST HIM. Make your requests known, with prayer and thanksgiving. Do your part...what you know is right to do… and then just watch Him show up! Believe in Him with child-like faith and expectancy.

He's able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask or think! Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!

Get in the habit of keeping a daily prayer journal. In a few months time, you'll be surprised to look back at your old prayer requests and see what God has done!

Got Haters?

Have you got some haters?

At a previous place of employment, I had a Christian co-worker who was smart, confident, and assertive. She was a great friend.However, there were other employees who would make negative comments about her from time to time. I honestly think they were just jealous of her, because secretly they wished to be like her. Once, during an office move, she asked for an office window. Due to her seniority and position, it wasn't an unreasonable request. She was not given a window office. However, some of the "haters" thought they would be funny. They took a mirror and decorated it like a  window and hung it over her desk. They thought they were mocking her. I was present in the room, when she saw it for the first time. She asked "Who did this for me? I love it!". I told her the whole story. She just laughed and said, "Well, the joke's on them because I like it and I think its pretty!" God took their trick that was intended to hurt her as a way to bless her.

I heard a preacher on the radio say, "If you don't have haters, you ain't blessed!"
In the Bible there was a man named Isaac who planted crops during a famine. The Bible says that the Lord blessed him and he reaped a hundredfold harvest in the same year. God blessed him so much that  that he became very rich. He was so rich, in fact, that the Philistines in the land envied him. Once he became blessed, then the hatin' started!

I received a prophecy once that I would have a home that would make my enemies jealous. Well, I liked the house part. That sounded good to me. But the "enemy" part hurt my feelings. I didn't know I had any enemies. I'm a people pleaser. I want people to like me and approve of me. (If 200 people told me they liked my blog and one person told me they didn't, I would try to find out why that one person didn't like my blog and and see how I could change it so they would like it! Yes, I know that's crazy!)  (If you have issues like this, check out a book called Approval Addiction by Joyce Meyer). Anyway, I decided maybe the prophecy was wrong, because I didn't have any enemies. (Yes, that was dumb. I know that now). 

Within two to three weeks , I found out I had some haters! Someone had been talking about me behind my back. It hurt my feelings so terribly. I cried and cried literally all night long.  What had I ever done to them? I couldn't sleep or eat.  It was a hard time. But guess what? Within one month of the prophecy, I had bought a piece of land... within two months, I broke ground on a house. Within four months of that prophecy, I was moving into my new house. Who designs and builds a custom home in two months? God.  Only He could have done that. I'm not perfect and I have a lot of faults and areas for improvement. I am no more special than you or anyone else. I am blessed and you are blessed and none of us deserve it. Thank God for your blessings. But...if you are blessed, you have enemies. If nothing else, you know your enemy, the devil, is rooting for your defeat every day. (Remember my earlier blog..your struggle is not against flesh and blood.)

Guess what, everyone has enemies! At no time in your life will everybody like you or be pleased with you. Someone will always think you could have done more or been better or whatever. That has always been a struggle for me. I've spent a lot of time trying to get approval from places where it would not come. I had to learn that true and perfect love and approval can only come from God. It's certainly not going to come from imperfect humans. We all have issues and areas for improvement! Whoever is talking about you right now, probably has plenty of areas in their own life that they need to be addressing! Don't let them get you down! Ask God to help you do your best...and then forget it.

So, if you know you have enemies...does that mean you can just go around and spread hate and discontent right back? Of course not. The Bible says as long as it depends upon YOU, you are to be at peace with everyone. First, go to the person. Ask for forgiveness...try to make it right. Then, the next step gets really "fun". Just forgive your enemy, whether they accept your apology or not. Then it gets even more fun.... Start praying for your enemy. Yep. Ask God to help you see them as he sees them.

The Bible tells us to love our enemies and bless them. You need to pray for them every day. Think I'm crazy? Well, I probably am. But...I promise you, when you learn to pray for your enemies and bless people who hurt you, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

In the Bible, Joseph's brothers hated him. They hated the calling of God on his life and the favor of God on his life. They sold him as a slave. However, their 'hatin" caused him to receive even greater promotion and favor and eventually saved their own lives during a time of famine. Many years later, Joseph was in Egypt and they came to purchase food during a famine. Joseph forgave them for their hurtful deeds and told them:

 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives"  Genesis 50:20. 

Claim that scripture today and forgive anyone who has ever hurt you. Start praying for them today. You will be blessed!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho! or Bah Humbug? Your Perspective Can Turn On A Dime!

"Joy to the World the Lord is Come...."

 Have you heard any Christmas songs being played in the stores yet? I already have. Christmas decorations have been in some stores for a couple of months. For some of you, those songs and decorations may have gotten you all excited and in the Christmas spirit. For others, it may fill you with an anxiety or dread or sadness.

Last week, my son wanted to wrap Christmas presents while listening to Christmas music. We had a great time. (Our gifts from Santa are all now wrapped up and hidden at an undisclosed location far away from the sneaky, "peeky", little snoopers that live here.)  I'm praying and believing for a joy-filled Christmas this year. I've already made plans to do some things I've never done before.

Last year at this time, however, I was really, really dreading Christmas. Those first Christmas decorations in stores in October  and early November were just more than I could take! The thought came to me at work one day that instead of dreading it so much, I should just face it head on and embrace it. I decided I would really go all out.  So, a few days later ,my three children and I went into the attic to get down our Christmas decorations. We had only hauled a few boxes down into the living room when my daughter started crying and ran into her bedroom and fell across her bed sobbing. We were in a new house and a new situation and Christmas would never be the same. The Christmas decorations brought back a flood of memories for her that were more than she could handle at that moment. So, the boys and I quickly put the boxes up and decided we would wait a few days. We all went back into the attic and had a great time looking through old boxes of my mementos...birthday cards, pictures, report cards, Geometry tests I had failed...good times, good times.

Christmas is supposed to be a season of joy. If so, why does it make so many people depressed or anxious?  If we are celebrating our Saviour's birth, why are people sad or worried? Because Christmas is also about family and friends. For people who have recently lost a loved one or lost their good health or whose finances are tight this year due to a lost job, Christmas can be a reminder of the loss. Memories of happier times can dampen our spirits.

I have always been a Christmas "nut"...I thought that people that didn't like Christmas had something wrong with them. I thought, "What's not to like about Christmas?"  Its amazing how quickly our perspective can change. The last two Christmases were hard for me. Did I love Jesus any less? No. Was I still thankful for our Savior's birth? Yes. Seasons in our lives change and that can change our perspective. Ecclesiastes says "there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..." This may be your season of weeping, but that does not mean that your season of joy will never return.

If you or a friend is struggling with the upcoming Christmas season of "joy", what can you do about it? Admit it, acknowledge it, talk about it with a friend. You cannot force yourself or anyone else to be joyful. You do have to grieve your loss. But you can take one little baby step at a time, putting one foot in front of the other... Start praying about it now. Use this time as a time to get closer to God. Pray and ask God to help you to restore your joy.

In Psalms we read the psalmist crying out to God "Restore to me the joy of your salvation. " (Psalm 51:12). Jesus promised his disciples "You will grieve but your grief will turn to joy...and no one will take away your joy." (John 16:20,22). Claim that verse for yourself and quote it each day.

Do something positive. Sow a seed of kindness or love towards your future harvest of joy. Think of things you can do in memory or honor of that loved one that passed away. Start new traditions. Find someone who needs you and do something nice for them. Send some anonymous gifts..put money in a card and leave it on a co-workers desk. Think of someone from your past like an old Sunday School teacher who was special to you or special to your loved one and send them a thank you card and a little gift. Volunteer to "ring the bell' for the Salvation army or give of your time in some way that you never have. Do something to honor your memories of happier times and to thank God for them. Make a list of things you are thankful for and read it out loud each day as a praise to God.

Last year, I was really dreading Christmas day. After my children opened their presents, they would be leaving around 9:00 am and be gone all day. I knew it was going to be hard for me. So, I made a plan of action in advance. I called the nursing home and got permission to go on Christmas day. I took gifts and visited with residents and sang Christmas songs with them and prayed with them. Some of those people are not here this Christmas. I learned that one of the ladies I visited passed away shortly after Christmas. I'm so glad I went! I've already prayed about something to do on Christmas day this year, and God has already given me something to do to bless someone else. I didn't even have to look for it. It came to me.

Find a way to sow some "seed" this Christmas, whether it is monetary or just sowing time and love into someone's life.  Sow it with expectation for your harvest of joy!

"He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him "(Psalm 126:6)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Deepest, Darkest, Worst Bad Habit

It's My deepest, darkest, worst bad habit....I'm a Procrastinator.

Are you a Procrastinator like Me? I'm a professional procrastinator. You wouldn't believe all of the things I can get done and the projects I can start, when I'm trying to avoid doing something I really don't want to do! (If you're a procrastinator, you're nodding your head right now. If not, you just think I'm crazy!)

If you have a problem with procrastination, your actual problem is a time problem. I bought a book on Procrastination a couple of months ago. It was a very helpful book. I discovered that Procrastinators have issues with judging time. Either they underestimate how long a task is going to take and so they don't start the task soon enough or they overestimate how long a task is going to take and they feel overwhelmed and never start. It was a great book. I read most of it...but I never got around to finishing it ...because...well, you know.

Procrastinating is all about wasting time...putting off for later what you should be doing now.  I don't like to think that I have wasted something. To know that you have wasted money or effort or energy is not a good feeling. Yet, nothing feels worse to me than to know that I have wasted my time. When I think of years of my life that I wasted doing things I should not have been doing and not doing the things I should have been makes me feel sick inside. Wasted time is a wasted opportunity. The more I think about wasted time and opportunity, the longer the list of regrets gets...not finishing grad school,  not losing weight sooner, not really getting serious about studying the Word of God until I went through a life crisis a few years ago, putting up with things I should not have, not standing up for myself or demanding better treatment when I should have...Its a horrible feeling to feel like you wasted your time and squandered your opportunities!

The good news is that God's Word tell us He can redeem our time. Our time is in God's hands. The Bible says that God will restore to us the years that the locust has eaten and that we can take back what the enemy has stolen from us. I'm on a mission to take back what has been stolen from me and that includes my time! The Bible also says that our youth can be renewed! Isaiah 40:29-31 says, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."  In Ecclesiastes, the Bible says that everything is beautiful "in its own time". So, I'm claiming that verse for me! My time is coming!

One of the greatest ways that the devil deceives people is through time. The devil wants sinners to think they have all the time in the world. Many people know that they are not saved and will admit that they need to be saved, but say to themselves "not now, some other time" or "One day, when the time is right". If you have not asked Jesus Christ into your heart and asked forgiveness for your sins, the time is NOW!  The Bible says "TODAY is the day of salvation.". When it comes to salvation, there is no time like the present! No one is promised tomorrow or even their next breath. The devil convinces people that they have plenty of time to get their heart right with God. People will say that they will commit their life to Christ when they are older or when they "get some things straight". The first step in getting your life straight is asking God for forgiveness and getting your heart straight!

The devil wants Christians to think that they do not have enough time. He tries to convince Christians that they cannot develop a daily prayer and Bible study time, because they are "too busy and don't have the time". If you are thinking of joining a ministry or doing a Christian act of service to help someone, the devil will try his best to convince you that you don't have the time. Many people say they do not get involved in ministries of the church because they "don't have the time". Some say they cannot attend church regularly on Sundays because that is "family time" or "rest time" or "my only time to sleep in".

If you have wasted years of your life not serving God or making poor decisions, don't beat yourself up! Commit the time that you have left to the Lord and ask him to redeem your time and to show you the most effective use of your time.

Any time you have and every breath you breathe came from God. Consider how you can use your time to bring Him honor today

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why Do I keep Getting Myself Into These Situations???

There's must be something wrong deep inside my brain and psyche. I'm always signing myself up to do things, just to challenge myself to see if I can do it! Then, later, I'm always thinking to myself, "WHY DID I DO THIS?"

The first time I went to a zumba class, I just wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do it. The class started at 11:00 am. I hung in there and followed as best as I could (I'm not known for my coordination.) Around 11:55, the instructor played a slow song. I'm thinking "Thank you Jesus! I made it! This is the cool-down song. It's almost over. " Well, all of a sudden the "cool-down song" got faster and faster and I was doing double time and about to die!  I gave the lady beside me a pained look. She said "You didn't know? This class lasts an hour and a half!"" I decided right there at that moment that I was going to do it if I died or not. I looked at the "gray-haired grannies" who were hanging in there and looking like they were having the time of their life. I looked at the women who were a lot bigger than me and they were working it! I said to myself "I don't care if they have to call 9-1-1. I don't care if they haul me out of here on a stretcher. I ain't giving up till either the class is over or me and all the grannies and big girls are dead!"

And I made it! the end of the class, I walked out of there like a cowboy that had been riding his horse way  too long and I had to hobble out of bed the next day. The point is...I made it. If I had been at home by myself, I never would have stuck it out that long. Just by having other people in there to challenge me...I kept at it. Now I go a couple of times a week and I LOVE IT!

I invited a guest speaker from my church to come home and eat Sunday lunch with me one day. A sweet, beautiful lady whom I love dearly...but who is also known for her grace, manners, and etiquette. I've been to her home. PERFECT. She holds tea parties and conducts workshops on etiquette and manners. As I was preparing the lunch before church that day, I thought to myself "What have I DONE? I just invited the Queen of Manners to eat at THE House of DYSFUNCTION???"  I had never really invited guests over than weren't relatives or children coming for birthday parties and sleepovers. So, how did it go? Everything went well. (I did look over at my middle school aged son during the meal and see him cutting his meat with a spoon and fork. Maybe I need to sign him up for one of her workshops).

My positive experience with that lunch gave me the courage to really, really test myself. I started inviting all kinds of people over for lunch or dinner. Previous issues in my life had led me to believe that somehow I wouldn't be a good host or the food wouldn't be good or somehow it just wouldn't be good enough, at best it would be "okay" and people would "talk about me".  I learned I had to stop listening to those thoughts and just do my best. I also learned that the challenge of having other people come to dinner or having other people in the Zumba class with me, really made me put my "best foot forward".

Proverbs 27:17 says as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Having other people around us to hold us accountable or to encourage us along really does make a difference. If you are struggling with an area in your life or specifically in your Christian walk, find someone to hold you accountable. It may not be your best friend...they may be the one encouraging you to make bad decisions! Thankfully, my own best friend is a wonderful accountability partner that I can tell anything! Whether its a diet or sticking to an exercise routine or sticking to your daily Bible reading, it helps to have someone working on the goal with you or at least checking in with you to see how you are coming on your goal. Start looking at your friends and ask yourself, "Are they helping me towards my goals? Are they encouraging me to improve and do my best? When I am around them, do I act according to my Christian values?"

In addition, we should all have people in our lives in which we are the one trying to help that person towards their goals, where we are the mentor and they are the "mentee". If you are doing that, make sure you still have strong Christians in your life to sharpen you! As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we are not to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together" which means that we need to get together with other believers regularly in worship services.

So, am I over all my issues? What do you think? Would I be writing about it in my blog if I was over it? NO, of course I still have issues. I signed my house up to be on the Christmas parade of homes tour for a fundraiser. I called my best friend and said "I have just invited the whole town of Princeton to come to my house and look at my Christmas decorations! What have I done? You know every house on there is going to be a lot bigger than mine. What was I thinking??"

So, my friend, being the "Iron that sharpens iron" reminded me that this wasn't about the size of my house at all. She reminded me about the opportunity that this will be to give thanks to God about all he has done for me. She reminded me how I dedicated my house to the Lord and how I placed a Bible in its foundation (literally in the cement of the foundation). She reminded me how I anointed my house for ministry to others. (If you come on the tour, don't slip on the oil, cause I've anointed this house so much its practically greasy! LOL!) So, I calmed down and decided that she was right. So bring on the challenge!

Are you being "sharpened" and are you "sharpening" anyone else? Go find someone to be your sharpener!   

(P.S. If you are one of those folks in the area that's always running marathons and half marathons...please, please, please don't sharpen me!) (Smile!)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Know Your Enemy

**Many thanks go out to our veterans on this Veterans Day for all they have sacrificed to serve our country and protect our freedom. Remember to pray for those who are still serving, the families that they leave behind, and for those who are recovering from physical injuries or emotional trauma as a result of their service.**

 I have never served in the military, never fought in a war, never risked my life for my country. To be honest, I probably couldn't make it through basic training. I don't have what it takes...and I am so thankful for the military heroes that do have what it takes.

I don't know anything about combat or modern warfare strategy.I have learned and studied, and continue to study, however, about spiritual warfare. Military geniuses know strategy and they know their enemy. Did you know that you have an enemy? John 10:10 tells you that your enemy, the devil, came to kill, steal, and destroy. The devil is your enemy...not other people.

Though it may seem that most of your problems come from other people, the Bible says "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against...the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil." (Eph 6:12). It's really not other people that you are struggling against...its the deceiver operating through them (or possibly through you!) to destroy your life.So, stop fighting  the person that hurt you emotionally or physically, stole from you, lied to you, lied about you, cheated you, cheated on you or whatever. Focus your battle on defeating your true enemy , the devil, with the weapons that God has given you. That's who I really, really hate!

Military strategists know weapons and they use all of the weapons available to them to achieve the goal of defeating their enemy. The Bible says that though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does (2 Cor. 10:3) The Bible says that the weapons of our spiritual warfare are not carnal, or of this world, but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds.

What weapons do we have in our arsenal? Prayer, praise, and the Word of God! We have power and authority in the name of Jesus and through the blood of Jesus. The Bible says we overcome (or win the battle) through the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Your words have power and the Word of God has even more power. The armor of God is made up of salvation, peace, righteousness, faith, truth, and the Word of God. The word of God is the only offensive weapon that we use. That rest of the armor of God is made up of defensive weapons.  Learn to fight by saying what the Bible says ! Don't talk about the person or situation that hurt you..learn to say what the Word says about you and your situation. 

Before you go to battle, you have to be prepared! Make sure that you have confessed any sin in your own life before you start trying to defeat your enemy. Next, you must plan your attack. Begin to look up scriptures related to your issue or problem. Then, go on the offensive and say what the Word says about your situation! 

(I use the Complete Promise Bible for Women and I also like "Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare" or "Prayers that Rout Demons and Break Curses", both by John Eckhardt. You should be able to find many resources online or in a Christian bookstore, such as a Bible Concordance to help you find the actual Bible verses that you need related to a particular situation).

Finally, remember that the Lord your God is actually fighting your battles for you. Isaiah 49:25 says that God will contend with those that contend with you! Isaiah 54:17  says that no weapon formed against you will prosper and any tongue that rises up against you in judgement, you will condemn. So, other than using the Word of God, prayer, and praise...STOP YOUR FIGHTING. Let God handle it!

I decree and declare over you:
"The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven." (Deut 28:7)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Giants, Grasshoppers, and Purple Suede Boots

We've all got 'em...that neighbor or that relative that when we describe them, we say, "Well, he's a little different"  (And then if we're Southern, we say "Bless his heart" after we say that). You've got those people in you're life that you say, "Well, she marches to the beat of a different drum".  If you're rich and you're different, it's more acceptable. People will call you eccentric. If you're broke and you're different, well, then you're just plain weird!

Personally, I like being different. When I go shopping, I'm looking for something different. Purple suede boots? Mmmm...Different...So I had to have 'em. I once had someone give me a gift  and say, "Well, I knew you would like it, because it's different and you always like something different."  Ahhh, they knew me well.

I was on vacation a few years ago and bought a giraffe- patterned purse. (Some people buy t-shirts or hats or magnets on vacation. I buy a purse on each vacation. Why, you ask? Because I'm different.) I loved my giraffe purse. Until a few weeks later...suddenly everybody had a giraffe patterned purse. Somehow, my purse was not as great any wasn't different  any more.

There was a man in the Bible named Caleb that was different. Twelve spies scouted out "the promised land" . Ten spies came back and said "NO way, there are giants in the land. They make us look like grasshoppers. We will all be killed." Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back and talked about the milk and honey in the promised land and how wonderful it was. The people were in an uproar about the giants. Caleb quieted all of the people and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it". Caleb and Joshua saw the same thing that all the other spies did, but they had a different report than everyone else. The Bible says that Caleb had a different spirit about him..and it pleased God. Caleb and Joshua saw the giants, too. But, they believed that God was able to deliver them in spite of the giants.

Did you know that God really likes different people? He says we are a royal priesthood, a peculiar people. If you're a Christian, people should notice that there's something different about you. You help people in ways that others wouldn't. You go above and beyond. You find ways to bless people that don't even like you. You pray for folks that hate you. (We'll talk about haters one day in a future blog!) You have a smile, a peace, a spirit, wisdom, a radiance that comes from the inside... there's just something about you that's different.

I learned how to be "different" for Jesus too. I keep a bottle of anointing oil in my purse Yep. And I ain't afraid to use it. You know how teenagers joke around and say "I will cut you!" Well, honey, don't mess with me, 'cuz,  "I will anoint you!"

Yeah, I'm different and that's too much for some folks to handle. I listen to 103.9  The Light on the radio and I really crank it up sometimes. You just might see me raising my hands while I'm going down the road..Well, maybe raising my hand, because the other one is on the wheel. You might see me crying while I'm driving  When I pull up at a gas station or somewhere and I open the car door and people hear my music and then see a white lady get out of the car..they're like "Okay... that's different".

You make thousands of choices as you go about your daily duties. Thousands of opportunities to be different . Opportunities to take a stand against gossip or racism or to walk out of the room when co-workers are telling inappropriate jokes. I'm sure you can think of many more example of ways that you can be different for Jesus.

The final point I want to make about being different is that you also have a choice about whose report you are going to believe.  Twelve spies all saw the same thing...but two had a very different report. What giants are in your life today? The doctor may say "cancer" or "terminal" or the loan officer may say "no" to your dream home. Friends and relatives may say "it can't be done" or "Just give up". You may be praying for that unsaved son or daughter and folks say "they'll never change". You have a choice whether or not you are going to listen to that report.

Scripture reports "there is nothing too hard for him", and "for with God, nothing will be impossible", and "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes",  and "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or think"....

Whose report are you going to believe? Keep praying. Don't give up. Believe a different report.

Just be different...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


During this the "Thanksgiving season", many of us are posting on Facebook all of the things that we are thankful for. Kids are making crafts and art projects at school and church which list all of the things they are thankful for. (My personal favorite was the year that my son brought his art project home from preschool that said he was thankful for "my mommy because she fixes me chocolate milk and takes me to church". It kinda choked me up when I read it! You know how we mothers are!)

Usually, most of our "Thankful" lists look about the same: our health, friends, family, faith, freedom, our homes, our jobs, our churches, etc. We have so many wonderful things in our lives to be thankful for. It feels good to have positive things going on in our lives. Just look on Facebook at all the mothers posting about their kids making honor know how we mothers get...we are happy and thankful and proud of our babies and we want to share our good news. That is perfectly understandable and we should celebrate our successes and our kids' successes as well.

But you know, you don't often see us posting things like, "I'm so proud of Junior for that "U" he got in conduct! Why? Because it's not good news! But if you look at it from another perspective, there's still something to be thankful least he went to least he can talk ...even if he's talking too much! 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says:
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 
Giving thanks in All circumstances means give thanks when there's good news and give thanks when there's bad news!

 Have you ever heard the song "Blessings" by Laura Story? The lyrics of the chorus are:
"'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?What if Your healing comes through tears?What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near?What if trials of this life....Are Your mercies in disguise?"

The theme of the song is blessings in disguise. We've got to be thankful for all of our blessings, even the ones that don't seem like a blessing at the time. How do we do that? You would have some sort of a mental health problem if you just loved trouble, pain, heartache, disease, death, etc. Who would be thankful for that?

We don't have to be thankful for the problem. We are to give thanks in the midst of the trouble or in spite of the trouble. The Bible says that in this world we will have trouble, but we are not to fear because He has overcome the world! Praise Him and give him thanks while you are still going through your hard time or your sickness or depression or whatever your "trouble" is..

If you had told me three years ago what my life would be like right now, I would have told you that you were crazy. I've had a lot of changes in my life. But when I look back, I can only give thanks to God for what he has done for me. While I would not have chosen the path that my life took...God has met my need every step of the way. If I had not been forced to change, I would not have some of the blessings that I have now...a new home, a new job, a new church, new friends, new interests, new hobbies, a new hairstyle, a new figure,  a new hair color and even a new lipstick color! WHEW!  I've gotten my old confidence and self esteem back, I've renewed old acquaintances and given up old bad habits...I tried a new career I had always wanted to try, went on vacation and road trips by myself and had a blast. I've read more books, I've been to plays, I've auditioned for a play and one day I'm going to write a book and a play!  I've faced fears and learned to do things that I didn't think I could do. I learned that I had a strength that I didn't know I had....because it didn't come from me, it came from God. Before long I may even learn to parallel park!

Whatever you are going through today, give thanks to God in the middle of it. One day you are going to be able to look back like I did and see that some good did come out of it or marvel at how God held you up while you were going through it. Start praising Him and giving thanks today!

One of my new favorite songs is "In the Middle Of it" by Isaac Carree.
Tears rolling down your face
If your heart's feelin’ like it’s gon’ break
If your earth feels like it’s ’bout to shake
If you’ve taken all that you can take
Just remember where your help comes from
Realize you got somewhere to run
Don’t worry ’bout what you’re going through
Instead of worrying, here’s what you can do
Praise him anyway
In the middle of it 
I’m just like you
If you cut me I’m gon’ bleed
I got wants just as well as I got needs
I’ve been hungry and not had no food to eat
And been knocked down as soon as I got on my feet
Lord it was You that helped me understand
And it was You that never let go of my hand
I promise that I’ll always give you praise
No matter what this world brings my way
I’ll praise you anyway
In the middle of it
I’m gonna lift my hands
In the middle of it
I’m gonna do my dance
In the middle of it
I’m gonna shout for joy
In the middle of it

Monday, November 7, 2011

Have You Ever Made A Hot Mess?

Have you ever tried to look cute or look your best and somehow you just ended up looking like a hot mess?

Been there, done that. Soooo many times. Where do I begin? How about the day I was trying to be cute and bought some thigh high stockings. Everything started out okay...I was running my errands around town and still feeling cute...until they rolled down around my ankles while I was in the middle of the BB&T in Smithfield. Yeah, I hope they destroy those bank security camera videos after a while. What if there had been a bank robbery or something suspicious had happened at the bank that day and lots of detectives and official people had to view the bank video camera recordings from that day? Can you imagine them at the Smithfield Police station viewing my thigh-high fiasco?

What about the day I went to my son's Boy Scout function at a church in Pine Level...
I sashayed myself all around the church and the fellowship hall and shook hands and mingled and just talked to EVERYBODY and walked around taking pictures. I had myself a grand old time.Then, at the end of the event looked down and realized I had on one tan shoe and one navy shoe. Do these things happen to anybody but me?

What about the first time I dyed my hair? It was way too as midnight. I didn't know whether I was Elizabeth Taylor, Snow White, or Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.  One of my little girl scouts was trying to pay me a compliment and said, "Wow, Miss Leigh-Ann, you look gothic!" (Not what I wanted to hear at that moment.)

I returned home once after a  haircut...and I wasn't sure if I had made the right decision about the cut, but I was trying to be hopeful. My oldest son who was about four at the time, saw me and immediately said, "What is your hair doing?" That's not a good sign.

Sometimes you already have misgivings about a hairdo or an outfit, but you just try to make it work, try to "pull it off".  I had a favorite skirt that I loved...It was long and had lavendar, yellow and white flowers. I wore it with a lavendar sweater. Unfortunately, the lavendar sweater became ripped, and I could not wear the skirt until I found a new sweater to match. Unable to find a lavendar sweater, I settled for a yellow sweater. Now, I know that I don't need to wear yellow. First, I am pale as a ghost. Yellow is the last color a pale, white girl needs to wear. Second, pale yellow is not a "big girl's" friend...enough said. I knew I did not need to wear yellow...but I wanted to wear my favorite skirt sooooo bad, I bought the yellow sweater anyway. One Sunday morning, I headed out for church, so happy to be wearing my favorite skirt again...sporting it with my new pale yellow sweater. My youngest son, watched me head to the car and remarked dryly as I passed by, "Well, you look like a big ole banana". Out of the mouths of babes....

So what's the point of all my crazy stories? I think the common thread in my fashion and beauty mis-adventures was that I was trying too hard. Have you ever seen someone that was trying too hard to fit in? It just makes matters worse. The result is that they only stand out more.  When I tried to make the yellow sweater work, even though I knew deep down inside that it wasn't right for me....the result was disastrous. Just another hot mess.

In addition to my beauty misfortunes, I also like to think I am Martha Stewart. I bought a bunch of supplies at Carolina Pottery and at Dewayne's last year and attempted a Christmas flower arrangement. What was the result, you ask? I had to call in a professional. I finally bagged all of my mess up and took it to a florist and said, "Look, I've got a hot mess in this bag and I need you to fix it." (I really did say that. Go ask J.J. at Casey's Florist in Princeton!) Guess what happened after he fixed it? I LOVED IT! A professional was able to take my hot mess and turn it into something beautiful.

Sometimes, you have to call in the expert. Sometimes you have to just stop trying to do it yourself. Sometimes you just have to turn your hot mess over to someone that knows what to do!

Have you made a mess in some area of your life? Turn it over to the expert. Give it to God. Isaiah 61 says he will give us beauty for ashes, the spirit of praise for the spirit of despair. Your tears will one day turn to joy. Your mourning will turn into dancing. Stop trying to fix the situation yourself.  Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut and leave it alone and let God handle it in HIS timing.  Sometimes you just don't do anything else about "it" and you just don't talk about "it" any more except when you're talking to God in prayer about "it".

What "hot mess" in your life do you need to turn over to Him today?