Help! I've created a monster! Have you ever had the situation where you started a project or got a friend interested in a new habit and it just grew and grew and totally took on a life of its own?
I got married two weeks after my nineteenth birthday. During the break between my freshman year of college and the first semester of summer school, I got married. I was so excited to be the woman of the house. Eager to be a "domestic goddess," one evening I happily began preparing what I hoped to be a delicious and romantic dinner for two. Well, let's just say that I was not exactly a gourmet chef. Our "gourmet" dinner was to include rice, so I started boiling the water and began scooping rice into the pot. Instead of following the measuring/serving size instructions, I scooped the dry rice into the pot at the amount that I wished it to produce when it was cooked. And as I now know...rice grows and grows and swells...My pot of rice kept growing and growing and growing. I had to bring in more pots just to hold it all. I could have fed a couple of small starving African nations with the rice I cooked that night. I had created a rice monster! My rice took on a life of its own. (I'm happy to report that I now know how to cook!)
Many people start a business or create a project and then it takes on a life of its own and becomes more than they ever dreamed. My blog writing has now taken on a life of its own. I've had senior citizens tell me that they enjoy reading my blobs. (Yeah, they said blobs!) People have asked my children, "Doesn't your mother write a blog? Tell her I love it!" Old friends I hadn't talked to in a couple of years have called me or contacted me to say how much they enjoy my blogs. I started my blog writing in November and before the month was even over, my blogs had over a thousand page views. Am I bragging? Certainly not! (If I wrote the blogs for that purpose, would I have ever written about my thigh high stockings falling down at the BB& T in Smithfield? I think not!) I'm giving praise to God for the opportunity that He has given me.
I started writing a blog in response to an issue in my life that I wasn't sure how to respond to.. I prayed and asked God how I should address the issue and the idea of writing a blog just popped in my head one day out of the blue. I honestly think the idea was inspired by the Holy Spirit. I have always wanted to write, but never "got around to it". I think I just needed a "kick in the pants" to make me do it! People have sent me messages saying that a particular blog was just what they needed to hear on a particular day when they were going through an issue.
I pray about what I am going to write.I seek Godly counsel from Christian friends if I am unsure about something I plan to say. I even ask my kids! Without fail, after I write a blog, within the next few minutes to the next two hours after I write it, I will hear a speaker/preacher on television or the radio or a song that uses the scripture from that day's blog. I just take that as a sign of confirmation that I am on the right track! The day I wrote about the song "When the saints go marching in" I heard that song on a secular comedy television program just minutes after I wrote about it.
So, why am I telling you this? The Bible says that we are not to despise small beginnings. My blog writing is just a small beginning. I have a whole 12 followers! I don't think a national newspaper or magazine is going to pick up any of my writing any time soon with a fan base of twelve folks! (LOL!) However, I am planting a seed each time I write a blog. Maybe someone who is not a Christian will read a blog from a Facebook post. Every time they are reading my blog, they get some scripture sown into their life that day. Maybe one friend will tell another friend something encouraging based upon what they read that day in my blog. I don't know.. my job is to plant the seed and let God handle the rest.
Almost 10 years ago, my best friend and I were at work one day and were taking a little "break". We discussed a skit that we could create for a small ladies' luncheon at her church being held in honor of her pastor's wife. So we threw out some ideas and created a Christian comedy character named "EulaMae Etheleen Ledbetter" that was a Pastor's wife who was a little "different". I named the character Eula Mae myself! The debut of this comedy character was certainly a humble beginning. The guest of honor was so sick with vertigo that she was unable to attend the function in her honor. However, my best friend, Teresa Allen has now been all over North Carolina and into Virginia and South Carolina speaking, singing, and performing as Eula Mae for almost 10 years. I don't know if I should say that I am credited for creating Eula Mae or if I should say that I am to blame for creating Eula Mae! I definitely created a monster when I created Eula Mae!
Many years ago, Teresa lost her three year old son due to the actions of her boyfriend at that time. She then lost custody of her nine year old daughter. Understandably, she felt that her life was in a shambles at that time, and became very depressed. She even considered ending her own life. After some difficult times, she began to try to put her life back together. She went back to school and while at college, she met a kindhearted Christian woman. This woman of God took Teresa under her wing and started encouraging her and told her to get a Bible and to get into studying the Word. That Christian lady had no idea who my friend Teresa was going to turn out to be. At that time, Teresa's life was in quite a mess and she was struggling and not always making good decisions. That lady had no idea how Teresa was going to turn out. She just some sowed some love and encouragement and the Word of God into Teresa's life. She didn't judge her or condemn her. She just loved her and sowed into her life. (Please go to to read Teresa's entire testimony and to follow her ministry)
Now, Teresa is a minister of the gospel; speaking, singing, sharing her testimony, and yes, performing as EulaMae at many churches and functions each year. She has a wonderful Christian husband who is her Partner in ministry, Protector, Armor Bearer, Bus Driver, Soundman, and Sweetheart! When she speaks and shares her testimony, people weep and after the service, they tell her how much she blessed them. When she shares her Christian comedy, people laugh and tell her just how much they needed that. She has had opportunities to minister individually to many women going through similar circumstances as those that she once faced herself. I could go on and on with examples. Thousands of people have been blessed and heard her message...a message they might not have heard if that Christian sister many years ago had not taken her time to sow love into the life of a young lady that was making some bad choices and needed some help.
I have matching candles on either side of the manger scene on my piano that say, "From small beginnings come great things". The birth of Jesus in a stable was certainly a humble beginning. Would the innkeeper have knowingly turned away the Savior of the World, the MESSIAH? He could not see the greatness that was held inside Mary's womb. Think of the Pharisees and the priests and the crowd that condemned Jesus to be crucified because they could not see the greatness inside Him! Others may not see the greatness inside of you!
Don't despise your humble beginning. Just start somewhere. Put one foot in front of the other and start doing something for God. Plant a seed. Do what you can do to bless someone and to be used by God, even if its only for one person. You never know who that person could turn out to be! Sow some seed of time, talent, and money into a person or ministry today.
Hebrews 13:2 Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!
II Corinthians 9:6 states “He who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully, let every man purpose in his heart so let him give…”
1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
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